
Valiant isn't a pseudonym... She was named for the car she was born in the back seat of, which probably tells you as much as you need to know about her family. Valiant isn't immediately likable, some would argue that she's not actually likable after being considered close friends for a number of years. She will always be the one to step into danger or speak out if anything was morally reprehensible. However, the strict moral code she keeps is all her own, and frustratingly complicated for anyone else to unpick. People would say she is on the spectrum, but when pressed, fail to say where, or even define exactly what spectrum they were talking about. Elusive, blunt, and literal... Most people would give up trying to start a conversation very quickly, and even her friends would find it difficult. But in spite of her many quirks, or perhaps because of them, she was much loved by everyone that claimed to know her, even though (as it was described by a friend.) " was like falling in love with the Sun... her brilliant light illuminated the whole world, but if you get too close, you'll burn up."

Also... Valiant has a time machine.



a.k.a. Te Wheke (the octopus)

A friendly giant octopus, literally and figuratively out of water…

Always well-meaning, but not always the first to understand that meaning.

Sweet-natured, emotionally and structurally flexible, insults generally run off him like water off an octopus's back, but it would be folly to try to aggravate him too much, because, at the end of the day, he’s still a 300lb cephalopod.



(and by association his brother)

These two identical twin stuffed toy penguins are the best at getting into and out of trouble.

Pengy has enough of a mouth for the two of them, and his brother’s inability to speak doesn’t diminish his incorruptibly sarcastic nature.

Usually the smartest characters in the room, stuffed or otherwise, it’s almost always this tag-team duo left to pick up the mess.

Admittedly they probably created it though, so don’t feel too bad for them.

Not that the author is important in all this, but you can learn about him here: